I am a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist and a member of Speech Pathology Australia.
Over the past 25 years, in the area of stuttering, I have worked in the public sector, the university sector (as a clinician and as a researcher), as well as in the private sector. Mostly, I’ve worked with people who stutter and their families. In addition, I’ve advised speech pathologists on their clients’ progress, supervised speech pathology students learning to treat stuttering, provided treatment for observation clinics at the Stuttering Unit, and presented to speech pathologists in professional development courses and at conferences.
I began my career as a speech pathologist with a particular interest in stuttering. I was thrilled to gain a position at the Stuttering Unit in Bankstown. Here I worked alongside and learnt from talented and experienced clinicians, including Dr Cheryl Andrews, who helped develop the Lidcombe Program, and has since developed the Oakville Program, as well as Associate Professor Elisabeth Harrison of Macquarie University, who at the time was undertaking her PhD examining components of the Lidcombe Program.
In 2003 I completed a PhD examining the neural basis of stuttering in children. I’ve also worked as an editor at The Lancet Neurology in London. I started The Stuttering Clinic in 2011.
Member of Speech Pathology Australia